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Friday, October 14, 2005

Just a few days away

Well I am just a few days away from going to New York. Today was my last day at work and it was pretty sad leaving. I have made a lot of friends there and I hope they are planning to visit. If they do it might be sooner rather than later. I hear there is a poll on how long before I come back. I am taking it as more of a hopeful desire on their part rather than a lack of confidence in my ability to handle the cold, big city. I'm not sure where the good money is right now but the 1 1/2 - 2 year time range seemed to be the most popular yesterday. Also ranking high is the 4- 6 months category. Who knows how long I will live in New York. Sarah is doing great up there and if I can find something I enjoy and get paid well at it could be a while. I really don't know. I guess that's what make all this so exciting.

more later.....