Karma by the pint

I have spent the past week getting adjusted to my new residence. Let me tell you that I have to get used to everything being different. When I say everything I mean it; sleeping, waking, eating and, especially, going to the bathroom. Back home I would drink water all day with out a care in the world. When I needed to go I would go. In New York City that is a whole different story. There are millions of people here and dozens of bathrooms. Restaurants can't and won't let you come in just to go, and more often than not you have to hold it until you get home. (Although the persistent smell of urine outside, as well as already witnessing public urination indicates that some don't wait at all).
But I digress. I had been here a week and felt I needed some accomplishment before I relaxed with a cold one. On Wednesday I had a job interview that seemed to go well so I figured I would allow myself the pleasure of stopping by Jimmy's Corner for a pint or two. I somehow found a table and sat down to watch the World Series game four pregame show. After a pint and a half I had to make the decision to whether to get a 3rd one. About that time Jimmy came walking by with hands full of cash from the register. As he waked, by a nice sized wad of money fell out of his hand and landed right at my feet. I am not sure how much it was but it was at least 10 bills with twenties on the outside. He keeps on walking, oblivious to the fact that he had just lost a nice chunk of the evenings takings. At first I was stunned that he (and nobody else) noticed but I immediately picked it up and chased him down. He seemed somewhat confused at first when I handed him the money but when I explained what happened, he then grabbed the waitress and told her to get me what ever I wanted.
I received a cold beer and returned some good karma.
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