REDS HOT!!! Right Wingers Angry Over Bush Court Pick

While I'm still visiting my parents and watching movies all day instead of the news I still see that most of the criticism about Bush's Supreme Court nominee is coming from the Reds themselves. It has now been reported that Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers was a Democrat (prior to cozying up to the Bush family) and gave money to the Al Gore campaign. This sent conservatives into a tizzy. So much so that Vice President Dick Cheney felt obliged to put the duties of his job on hold to make an appearance on the Rush Limbaugh show just to defend the choice . This certainly shows some concern from the White House. They know very well that Limbaugh has a large and obedient following and must be kept happy. Sending the Vice President of the United States to kiss the ass of a radio talk show host indicates some serious panic.
You know this morning I thought it was a bit strange when I saw Democratic Senator Charles Schumer look downright delighted at the choice of Harriet Miers. He said that it proved that President Bush understood that the right wing of the Republican does not represent America. What was up with that statement? Was this the strategy of the Democrats? To kill her with kindness? Now I hear that Democratic majority leader Harry Reid may have had a hand in suggesting her name! We also learn that she was a Democrat until recently.
Believe me, if Rush Limbaugh is unsatisfied you can bet that millions of others will be too. The Bush administration is betting that conservatives across the nation, who said they would rebel if the next choice was not a conservative, will value their word as little as they do. This is a bet they cannot afford to loose.
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