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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Been a busy week

I really haven't posted much this week because I have been very, very busy. This week is the Holiest of Muslim holidays. How does that effect me? Well most of the people where I work are Muslim so I have had to undergo some on-the-job training and now working for them at a variety of positions. It has been fun, learning so many new things at work but also exhausting. Apparently tonight is the final night of "EID" and I am running the show at work. Monday I was there for almost 14 hours and I expect to work until at least 1am tonight. I think, that is all for the celebrations for another 6 months. I wish all my co-workers an Eid Mubarak and myself good luck at covering for them at work. They do a lot and have been for a while so there are some big shoes to fill!


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