Right Face!

What remains to be seen is whether they will accept this nomination. The litmus tests required by the conservatives include overturning the right to choose an abortion, fundamentalists religious beliefs and an ability to march in lock step with the right wing. President Bush was burned by the conservatives with his choice of Harriet Miers and this choice of a hard right judge with Bush Family connections seem to meet the criteria required for promotion in Red America .
The Republicans also hope that the choice of an extremist also will serve as a distraction to the mounting legal and ethical problems faced by the Bush Administration. It is hoped that by nominating someone who makes radicals happy but is outside the mainstream of America, Bush can distract Democrats and the country from the CIA leak case.
Look for conservative commentators to talk about the "principles" of George W. Bush. Remember though "principles" to them means satisfying their narrow needs rather than doing what is right and good for the country.
Bush clearly looked angry during the announcement. He almost glared as he mention that Alito has more experience on the bench than anyone appointed to the Supreme Court in 70 years. The President, who only seems to be happy if he is involved in a battle, seems to be spoiling for a fight. The choice of Alito is the just the latest chip on the shoulder of this mentally unstable man.
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