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Friday, November 18, 2005

Joe Wilson calls for an investigation of Bob Woodward's silence on CIA leak case

"The recent revelation from the Washington Post that Bob Woodward learned of the identity of CIA operative (and my wife), Valerie Wilson, in June, 2003, is perplexing. Woodward and his partner Carl Bernstein were heroes to me as they were to many of my generation for their fearless reporting on the machinations of the Nixon administration. The Watergate investigation was what spurred me to pursue a career in public service. As Bob and Carl made clear in their pursuit of the truth, we as a nation had a right to demand better from our government".

"I don't know if what he was doing was a conflict of interest or inconsistent with journalistice ethics, but I would sure like to hear a fuller explanation, and I suspect many of the Post's readers would like one as well. After all, our newspapers are for many of us the principal filter through which we receive our information and opinion. The self styled "papers of record", it seems to me, have a particular responsibility to ensure that the filtration process is not corrupted by conflicts surrounding either interests or relationships with sources".