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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thankful for a Bluer America

This year began with George W. Bush talking about using the capital he said he gained from the election of 2004. Predictably, his confidence turned to a lazy arrogance so blatant even his most trusted supporters were repulsed. I have been talking about this, and the danger of our "Red America" (Republican Controlled) for over a year on MQAblog. This map shows a shifting tide away from George Bush and, if we are lucky, the GOP. Years of myth making, truth stretching and wild eyed economic theory seems to finally be dying a natural death. It sure sounded good for a while, and managed to convince some of the people for a while, but we have a moment now where people are questioning what they have assumed to be true since the Reagan years. This Thanksgiving I am hopeful that Americans allow their mind to remain open long enough to reverse this decline we are experiencing.

I am very thankful for all the friends, family and strangers (of all political persuasions) who visit this site regularly. One of the biggest surprises I have is the number of conservative viewers I have. While I don't pull any punches here and let my obnoxious talk radio personality overwhelm my usual kinder, gentler personality, I think most understand it for what it is. Tough Love.

Happy Thanksgiving - Look for me at the Macy Parade Thursday morning. I'll be wearing a NY Yankee/Santa hat and a grumpy expression. Check back on Thanksgiving afternoon too as I may post some pictures of the big Parade.


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