Brown Out at CNN

Reports say Aaron Brown has left CNN after being asked to switch time slots with up and coming newsie Anderson Cooper. I remember him also leaving in a bit of a huff at ABC News Nightline to join the cable news network in 2001. His timing seemed perfect at the time - his second day on the job he was live on the air for the 9-11 attacks.
His show at 10pm was a favorite of mine for a while because of his great analysis and calm demeanor. However I had stopped watching it a few months ago because he crossed that fine line between calm and boring. Also by 10pm I have usually watched almost all the news I could stand and watching Brown "calmly" reporting the same stories I was already familiar with seemed a waste of an hour.
I wish he had taken the earlier slot. He will be missed but I think the CNN execs had it right putting some fresh blood in at the 10 o'clock hour. Keep in mind that 10pm on the east coast is 7pm on the west. Prime Time. Brown was a bit too slow for this important hour.
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