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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Arnold tries to ride - the surging Blue Tide

I have been so busy with the new job and I know the blog has been getting the short end of the stick. I have very little free time right now but I think things will settle in over the next week or two. I will still post daily and even a few times a day when possible.

I am still feeling optimistic that Americans are beginning to loose faith in Republicans and conservative policies. I have always believed it was a movement based on false logic and twisted facts. It seems that more and more people are agreeing with me.
Even Arnold! Oh he jumped on the apparent Republican bandwagon in the 1980's perhaps knowing that experience, intelligence and competence was unimportant to gaining Red support. But oh how he is shifting gears. After his humiliating losses in November and his slide in the polls, Governor Schwarzeneggar is now taking a sharp turn to the left. Not only is his new Chief of Staff a Democrat, she was close to Grey Davis who Arnold ridiculed during the Recall vote. To top it off she is a lesbian "married" to her partner!
This transparent attempt to jump from one bandwagon to another shows me that this "outsider" is turning out to quite a politician after all.

SACRAMENTO, California (Reuters) -
California's Republican Gov. Arnold named a Democrat in a same-sex marriage as his chief of staff on Wednesday in an apparent political shift on the heels of a major electoral defeat.

Susan Kennedy, 45, was the confidant and number two to ousted Democratic Gov. Gray Davis whom Schwarzenegger beat in a bitter recall election in 2003. She married her lesbian
partner in 1999.
The appointment of a woman who once served as the California Democratic Party executive director and has led campaigns for abortion rights angered some Republicans."The appointment of Susan Kennedy as chief of staff to the governor is a betrayal of the hard-working activists that supported the governor during the recent special election," said Mike Spence, president of the California Republican Assembly.

Another opponent immediately set up a Web site www.stopsusankennedy.com where visitors were urged to sign a petition seeking to rescind the appointment.