M.Q.A.blog Archives

If you have reached this page in the hopes of seeing the most recent MQAblog then you will be disappointed. This is only for MQAblog archives(which will not disappoint).

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Friday, January 06, 2006

VIDEO: Bush compares his injury to that of wounded solders

President Bush visited some wounded troops the other day and made a statement that has many people outraged. Apparently he hurt himself again, this time clearing brush, and he used this backyard mishap to compare himself to the hospitalized veterans. It was too much for some to take.

"The president needs to understand what combat means. It is not tangling with a chain saw and some prickly pear brush. It involves firearms and explosives. It means watching your best friend bleed out on the battlefield. It means mind numbing fear as you prepare to enter a building that may or may not be providing refuge for a terrorist. It means killing other human beings. And for some, it leaves an emotional scar that the brave soldiers carry with them to their grave".

Funny Money Worth A Mint

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Is the administration spying on Journalists?

Read all about it on my new web site Priority News!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Praise Bush for no new attacks?

read all about it at my new web site The Meek Voice

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Eve

I had a great night last night. Sarah and I went for a few drinks and then dinner in Greenwich Village before heading to Times Square. We figured it probably not be a place to stay but we wanted to check it out since we had time.

Turns out that Times Square itself was not that much fun. You couldn't go anywhere, instead everyone was herded up and down, block after block. The NYPD were very tense and yelling at people to keep order. It was bad treatment, even for tourists. We have some favorite tucked away spots in Times Square but there was no way we could get over to them so we ducked out to the liquor store and the subway station.

We made it home at about 11:30, relaxed and turned on the TV. I saw Dick Clark and it was both sad and encouraging. He s a brave and determined man for coming back so strong but it was very unnerving at first to see "The World's Oldest Teenager "ailing like he was. The neighbors shot off fireworks at 12 and an ample suplly of Christmas goodies made for a pleasent evening bringing on the new year.


You all probably know about the new website, The Meek Voice I launched over the weekend. Well, I started to think that if "MQAblog" is for my personal and New York stuff and "The Meek Voice" tackles one topic at a time, what about the daily news of importance? There are thousands of news stories everyday, a few of which I think are of high priority. Therefore the launch of Priority News. A continual update of news stories I think are of exceptional importance or interest.

Thank you for your support.