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Saturday, September 24, 2005

This Week's Open Thread

"Open Thread" is a term that refers to a line of comments posted by blog viewers. It is for any topic at all. You can comment on other peoples comments, a story posted here, a story you wish got more attention or just pick something out of the blue. Enjoy!

Las Vegas Hepatitis Scare!

Authorities in Frantic Rush to contact 26,000 convention goers as food server is found to have Hepatitis A

The success of a worldwide public health manhunt begun Friday could literally mean difference between life or death for some of the 26,000 convention goers. If local, state, and health officials can determine before Wednesday who among the 26,000 might have been exposed to the virus by a food handler during the Sept. 13-15 event, those attendees can receive shots of gamma globulin.


Friday, September 23, 2005

The Mess in Texas

Evacuation woes grow as Rita closes in.
"I guess you sit and wait for someone to bring you gas or wait for the hurricane to come and kill us."
32-year-old Darrell Dailey from southwest Houston.
"It's been terrible, believe me. We started with a full tank of gas and lots of water for the kids, but it was such a mess. I wondered why so many people in Katrina didn't move in time, and now I'm in the same situation. All I have is cash, clothes, and God."
Evacuee Rosa Castro

"Our Worst fears came true!"

Levy breaks in NOLA from Hurricane Rita

Follow Hurricane Rita

Evacuation turns deadly on Texas Highway

Evacuees dead as bus explodes on crowded roadway as Texans flee by the thousands.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Texas simmers as evacuation problems mount


"This is the worst planning I've ever seen," said Judie Anderson, who covered just 45 miles in 12 hours after setting out from her home in the Houston suburb of LaPorte. "They say we've learned a lot from Hurricane Katrina. Well, you couldn't prove it by me."


At a news conference today, an exasperated Houston Mayor Bill White informed the public of the loss of workers at Bush Intercontinental and Hobby airports, urging people to rule out air travel unless they have a reservation and to expect delays of up to five hours.

President George W. Bush will tour southeast Texas Friday and thank emergency workers who are gearing up for Hurricane Rita, which could reach Texas by the weekend.

Ohhhhh NOLA!

LIVE Global View

LIVE New Orleans, Loiusana (NOLA) Radar

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

MULLIGAN! Bush ready for another shot at competence.

With hurricane Rita barreling toward Texas, we learn from the White House that President Bush is "Engaged". So here is a second chance for the President to (a) prepare for a disaster that provides ample warning (b) order the anticipated search and rescue missions necessary after a strong storm and (c) show compassion to people who are suffering.

I may get burned but I am betting he gets it right this time. I am also betting that we will be asked to view his response as heroic and his ability to "learn from mistakes" praiseworthy. We can't forget however that Katrina was not the first hurricane in history and that this President has had 5 long years to set up his government. It is far too late to just be getting up to speed on something as critical as this. Cheer Bush's performance? Why?! A five year learning curve for a President of the United States is something to be feared, not celebrated.

cross posted at dailyKos

Online Art Court

Are these Winslow Homer Water Colors?

Rita Gains Strength in Gulf

If you haven't heard this one yet you'll get a laugh.

Did you hear a reporter asked Bush his position on Roe vs. Wade?

No, what happened?

He said he didn't care how the people got out of New Orleans!

Hurricane Upsilon?

Only 4 hurricane names left for this season. National Hurricane Center may be forced to name storms after greek alphabet. Click title for full story.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rita Visits the Florida Keys

Rita Hits South Florida

Fellow blogger in South Florida will provide updates and photos about Hurricane Rita

My favorite Bubba!

Rarely used New York Yankee outfielder Bubba Crosby hits game winning home run Monday night. The Yankees are now only 1/2 game behind Red Sox with less than two weeks to go in the regular season. The Yankees and Red Sox play each other in the last series of the season next week..

Monday, September 19, 2005

Stay away - Rita on Way!

New Orleans mayor suspends repopulation as new storm threatens Gulf region.

Hurrican Rita: S. Fla on Alert!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday Comic