The 2005 Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in Pictures
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
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Sarah and I keeping warm on the parade route Thanksgiving morning.
Have a wonderful Holiday. I will post a link to even more pictures in the next few days.She grew up in the rough-and-tumble of a family auto racing business, went through concealed-weapons training, and bears a local nickname seldom applied to shrinking violets: "Mean Jean." When Representative Jean Schmidt, an Ohio Republican, created a furor on her 75th day in Congress by lobbing the word "coward" toward a Democratic war hero, those who know her bestwere anything but surprised.The Republican Party is a party whose survival depends on hatred toward fellow Americans. Sure they joined the mainstream in their opposition to Communism and terrorism, but it is their instinct is to attack their fellow Americans in order to have any electoral success. Nixon railed against Vietnam War protestors and won as a law and order President. (Ha!) Reagan told the make believe stories about [black] Cadillac queens robbing the middle class (then went about redistributing wealth to the rich), Bush I had Willie Horton, Gingrich had the Clintons, and Bush II attacks everyone and anyone who dares to disagree. Just listen to talk radio or FOX news (or talk to a Red). If you didn’t know better (and still about 1/3 don’t) you would think that rich, white Christians are the most persecuted people in the history of the world. Republicans say they are here to restore justice. But, of course they mean “just us”. Yes, calling a Vietnam war hero a coward is just plain mean. But it is the Red meat our Red Americans must have to survive.
Several Republicans who were on the House floor said afterward that Ms. Schmidt did not appear to know she was referring to a much-decorated veteran. "The poor lady didn't know Jack Murtha was a Marine - she really just ran into a hornet's nest," said Representative Jack Kingston of Georgia. Representative David Dreier of California said, "Very clearly, she did not know that Jack Murtha was a Marine."Didn’t know he was a Marine! OK I follow politics a lot but I have to admit I was not all that familiar with Jack Murtha until this week. But in every single story I saw about him it mentioned that he was a decorated war veteran and a Marine in Vietnam. But that’s just me.